Boulazac extends leader Nic Moore for two seasons

A nice Christmas present for BBD supporters. It is one of their favorites who is extending his contract with the club on December 25. Already adopted, although he only arrived in the month of November in Périgord, the American leader Nic Moore (29 years old) linked up with the Boulazac Basket Dordogne to two additional seasons.

BBD’s top passer and second best scorer

Excellent news for the Perigord club, as Moore is one of the team’s lucky charms. Since joining, the BBD has won six of the seven games it has played. The native of Indiana connects the baskets, and counts 16.3 points average, he is the club’s second scorer. The number 11 perigord is also generous, with 8.5 assists per game, and is even the third best Pro B player in the evaluation. So, inevitably, Laurent Serres, the president, speaks of his extension as a “real satisfaction”. “The fluidity with which all this was done is to be underlined”, he explains in the club press release. “Nic has shown great things on and off the pitch. He has everything to become an iconic BBD player.”

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Moore, who relies on his son, soon to go to school in Périgord to teach him French, explains that he was seduced by the basketball side – “in the field, I have a lot of fun, whether in training or in matches with the coaches and my teammates”, he said, but also by his new life. “I came with my wife and my three children and we immediately felt good in Boulazac. We quickly felt at home and see my children continuing to grow up here”. BBD supporters will be delighted as they know the player is invaluable in the recovery operation, which continues this Monday on the Nantes floor.

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