Book: Rebel Planet Changes Hands

A few months away from celebrating its 25 years of existence, the publishing house Planète rebelle, specializing in storytelling and orality, changes custody and passes into the hands of a young player in the field, Éditions Kata.

The handover and reunification of the two teams are to be announced on the first day of the Montreal Book Fair on Thursday. Luca Palladino, head of Kata, will officially take over the reins of the small publishing house in January, while continuing to run his own.

“At my great age, 70 years old next year, you have to know how to pass the hand at some point. I wanted to retire. […] My only wish was that Rebel Planet survives me and continues with its singular editorial mandate, ”explains in an interview with To have to Marie-Fleurette Beaudoin, director of Planète rebelle for another month. The two employees of his small team not feeling ready to take up the torch, Mme Beaudoin made up his mind to sell in the past year. After carefully going through several tempting offers, Luca Palladino’s one pleasantly surprised and seduced her.

Kata – for “disaster” – seeks through its publications to sensitize young and old to the risks of ecological disasters. It is a very young publishing house that saw the light of day just before the pandemic. Its owner, however, knows a whole lot about the publishing industry in which he has held various positions for almost 25 years.

To him, taking up the torch of Rebel Planet was simply “obvious”. “Kata and Rebel Planet both have this same desire for engagement, be it social or ecological. The two publishing houses also have this desire to use the lessons of the past to project themselves into the future, ”says Mr. Palladino.

He is determined to support and defend the identity of Rebel Planet, saying he is “privileged” to be able to upgrade its catalog of more than 220 printed, audio and digital publications. Moreover, there is no question that this meeting will make the mark disappear. “Rebel Planet will remain as a name, there is too much emotional attachment of readers to its brand. We are simply going to bring together our two publishing houses, which have strong and complementary identities, under a big hat. “

And if the beginnings of Kata were difficult, the launch of the first publications having been delayed by the pandemic, Mr. Palladino is confident for the future. “Of course, a buyout is always a bit scary. It’s not nothing. But as an editor, if you don’t put yourself in danger and fear a little, you might not be in the right place, actually. These little anxieties are what stimulates, it’s good, it’s positive, ”he says. He will also be able to benefit from “precious advice” from Marie-Fleurette Beaudoin, who will be present during the first months to ensure the transition.

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