These are self-service boxes where residents can drop off their old books and pick up others. The “book hives” sometimes take original forms like telephone booths. A first had already been installed in Place Aristide-Briand in Valence in 2018. Given its success, the town hall of Valence decided to install 10 more. The project was entrusted to students from the wood sector of the Amblard vocational high school in Valence.
About thirty high school students participated in the construction of these boxes. Michèle Paillou is a teacher at Amblard high school, she welcomes the participation of her students : “all the projects allow them to give meaning to their work. It is valued and visible. It is a great pride for them!“This project gives a second life to books and energizes the neighborhood.
– Theo Metton-Regimbeau
This Monday, a first was inaugurated in the Grand Charran district. Étienne Deparis is the president of the neighborhood committee, he is very happy with this installation : “it allows an animation in the district, it is an excellent thing“. The mayor of Valence, Nicolas Daragon, rightly welcomes the link that this can create between citizens. He too will take part in this open-air library. “I’m going to drop off lots of books. I moved, I have lots of boxes of books!” he smiled.
In all, 5 of the 10 planned hives have already been deployed, in the Grand Charran, Lower Town, Laprat, Alpes-Maubourg and Pôle bus districts. 5 others will see the light of day by summer near the Camille Vernet high school, at Parc Delessert, in the Petit Charran, Le Plan and Valensolles districts. Each hive cost 1700€.