“Booder Is Back” at the Kursaal in Besançon on April 28

It was in great shape that Booder was heading to Franche-Comté this Thursday evening for his show Booder Is Back at the Kursaal in Besançon, from 8:30 p.m. The opportunity for him to take stock with us of his beginnings in humor and his show.

“It’s humor that happened to me”

After having been a street educator, then an accountant, without much success, Booder discovered that humor paid off. “One day, I saw Jamel Debbouze go by with a Ferrari and I understood,” laughs the comedian.

I’m from the generation that didn’t know you could get paid to make people laugh!

Booder Is Back: a rather autobiographical show

His first setbacks in humor, his role as a father, but also today’s society, “society of handsome kids” as Booder calls it. So many subjects that feed the show currently played by the comedian on stage.

A light show, without vulgarity that can be seen with the family!

Never been to Besançon (not in his memories, anyway), Booder is delighted to arrive in Franche-Comté and finds the scenery beautiful. His show will be just as much!

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