“Bitch, go home!” At Nice airport, Aya Nakamura is lynched by very angry travelers!

Aya Nakamura is at the heart of a lively controversy. For the past few days, a video of the star at the airport has been circulating on social networks. Images that did not fail to shock Internet users. For good reason… The interpreter of the title “Pretty girl” is violently insulted by the people present in front of the boarding gates. Visibly annoyed to see the young woman go through the access reserved for staff, the travelers throw the worst horrors at her. “Shame”, “Bitch”, “Go Home “, we can hear them say.

” Shame on you “

Fortunately, the star was able to count on the support of her fans to come to her defense. “This is what really happened. They are not fans at all but racists who were angry that Aya Nakamuraa passes as a VIP. Shame on you ! “, “Aya Nakamura was insulted as a bitch at Cannes airport because she went VIP to take her flight to Paris”, “The mentality of the French must change miskina Aya Nakamuraa. It would have been J-Lo, Beyoncé, Usher, nobody would have said that. The bitch and go home was not necessary…”, “Really mentalities of losers, beggars, and hicks. Really rednecks, morons, mindless ass, it screams and insults for nothing like idiots. She goes VIP and? At the same time, she’s an international star and you are peasants, so good”, “It disgusts me to see that”, “Whatever happens, she is and will be the most bankable and best-known French female artist. They can boo they’ll do it. That’s why France is overtaken everywhere and in everything. She doesn’t know how to love her talents.” could we read on the Web. A sequence that is likely to spill a lot of ink.


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