Bin Laden, idol of the wokes!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, says the adage.

We may say that love is the greatest force there is, but there is nothing better for building bonds between strangers than sharing the same hatreds.

It bonds you for life.

Because love happens.

While hatred continues. It even becomes more intense with age.


Take the wokes and Bin Laden.

At first glance, nothing connects the little bunnies and the person responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks.

The first ones cry when they see an album of lucky Luke on the shelves of a bookstore, while the second jumped for joy when he saw innocent people throwing themselves off the World Trade Center.

Not the same sensitivity, let’s say.

And not sure that Bin Laden would have liked the idea of ​​a drag queen reading the Koran to young Muslims.

  • Listen to Richard Martineau’s editorial, where he discusses current events with Alexandre Dubé via QUB radio :

He would have taken his saber and cut the non-binary miscreant into slices.

But these people share the same hatred of the West.

As the old joke goes, wokes eat antioxidants, while Bin Laden’s followers are anti-West.

These two groups were due to meet.

It’s done.

Indeed, last week, Bin Laden became the new idol of the wokes thanks to a letter he wrote in November 2002, and which went viral on TikTok.

All over the world, “thirsty for knowledge” Wokes fell into a swoon reading this great text entitled “Letter to America.”

What does Bin Laden say in this missive?

That Islamists attacked Americans to defend themselves. That America is responsible for all the ills plaguing the planet. That American society is a decadent society. That Westerners have only one god, the dollar. And that the dollar is also – well, they are never far away – the god of the Jews.

The wokes were shocked when they read these pearls of wisdom.

“I’m ashamed of not having known about the existence of this letter before today,” said one TikToker.

“The fact that this letter is going viral gives me a sense of relief,” said another.

Archive photo, AFP


I hear you saying, “But how the hell can woke people like a religious fanatic who says homosexuals should be beheaded?”

Well, these are just details, let’s see!

You shouldn’t get caught up in the flowers on the carpet!

Everyone has their little flaws, right?

We can’t agree on everything, let’s see!

The important thing is the main message.

Capitalism is murderous. America is capitalist. Capitalism was invented by the Jews.

That’s it, it’s all there.

It doesn’t take much to pass for a Great Sage among the wokes.

Because the wokes, just like that good old bugger Bin Laden, hate capitalism.

You just have to read what they write on Facebook using their iPhone to see it!

In 1968, leftists were all about Mao. Today, they pay tribute to Bin Laden and affirm that Hamas terrorists are resistance fighters.

The idiots go crazy and the caravan passes.

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