Billom’s pink garlic put in the spotlight at the 38th Garlic Fair this weekend

Pink garlic is once again celebrating in the streets of Billom this weekend. 17 producers of the precious “pink gold” are present for the 38th Garlic Fair. This meeting has become a must for this territory labeled Remarkable Taste Site.

In the aisles, passers-by have their little habits. Patrice stops at the stand of Nelly Choffrut, a garlic producer in Espirat. Garlic, this retiree puts it everywhere: “in aligot, in a salad, to make a vinaigrette, in a pork roast we will prick with garlic“. Patrice who appreciates the keeping capacity of pink garlic from Billom.From one year to another, we may have a few pods left“he continues.

17 garlic producers gather to take part in the Billom Garlic Fair this weekend © Radio France
Thomas Loret

Drought impacts production

Nelly Choffrut, garlic producer with her husband Pierre planned to sell a ton of garlic during the weekend. But she could have sold more. “On had very little rainfall in the spring, so the pods are not very big. Plus we had a hailstorm afterwards.“, confides Nelly Choffrut. As a result, 40% of its production has become unsaleable.

This is perhaps why some growers have given up growing Billom’s pink garlic. “It takes labor to weave and net“, specifies the producer of Espirat. At one time, more than 2,000 hectares were devoted to the cultivation of garlic in the territory of Billom.Today there are only 200 hectares left“says Jean Viera, deputy mayor in charge of events.

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