Gros Mené is Fred Fortin’s musical outlet, the perfect vehicle to let loose with his friend Olivier Langevin. When there are enough songs in the pot and the presto comes close to exploding, the band records an album, which happens about every 10 years. This time, Fortin and his gang want to bring us peace and happiness, with a good dose of chaos as a bonus.
Posted at 12:30 p.m.
We’re off to a flying start with the story of Bonsai, a pornstar dwarf. This is stoner as desired, the guitars are very fat, we recognize with happiness the sound of Lakejust like the inimitable picking by Langevin. Proof that hard blues and stoner rock are close cousins, this piece, but especially the following ones Saarland and Televisionis also animated without embarrassment by the bottle neck the guitarist who usually acts as the leader of the group Galaxie.
This is a perfectly consistent sound evolution so far, the surprises are yet to come; because if the previous album Agnus Dei was resolutely rock, peace and bonus is a much more heterogeneous collection of ideas. The first occurs with Roll the Crate, where Fred Fortin tells with an English accent (!) a dismal Gothic-Victorian story. Then follows a trio of completely crazy songs: Abortion immerses us in the oozing atmosphere of the old motels of Longueuil, where we find, it seems, the most beautiful whores in the country. Dabidu, officiated by the “priest” Serge Brideau, of the Hôtesses d’Hilaire, is like the soundtrack of an improbable sect of the 1970s, the title of the song being in fact a jazzy satanic invocation. As for the short Toppe notcheit’s a delirious exchange between Fortin and Langevin, the latter playing the role of a completely hyperactive (or coked) producer.
Fat ass is itself a poem of 4and secondary, which talks about 4×4, big fight and Arctic Cat, with a completely deconstructed melody, like the fate of the central character… We conclude with Midas, greasy blues stoner that goes great with a special double sausage hot dog. Do we need to add more?

peace and bonus
Big Led
Lazy at work