“Between Dog and Wolf” by Alain Delon

You know him well and his father too, perhaps even better because the author of the book “Entre chien et loup” is Anthony Delon and he decided to lift the veil on his familyhis childhood and his youthful years.

He also tells us about his mother Nathalie’s illness and how he accompanied her to the end. And finally we all recognize ourselves through the words of Delon because even if his family is famous his questions remain those of those who seek their place their identity, the best way to become a man. It is also touching when he tells us how he suffered when his parents divorced.

And he is not necessarily tender with his father Alain. It’s true that the star appears to us as a bit megalomaniac and tyrannical who only supports others if they don’t overshadow him… But he admits his deep tenderness for Mireille Darc who often interceded in quarrels between father and son. We go back a bit to his professional career, but that’s really not the subject of the book.

What I liked was the way Anthony Delon explains to us that it’s not so easy to be the son of and moreover what is appreciable is that he does it without pathos. It is a confessional book. But rest assured, there is still tenderness after 56 years of conflictual relationship. It’s a kind of love hate that seems to have calmed down a bit despite everything. And a lot of admiration. I found these revelations very touching, Anthony Delon seemed to need it and it doesn’t affect the incredible story either.admiration that one can have for Alain Delon who perhaps remains one of the last sacred monsters of French cinema.

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