Berry companies facing the war in Ukraine

After two years disrupted by the Covid, companies must now coping with the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine. “It’s complicated because it feels like fate is going a little bit harderreacts Charles Dupont, president of Medef in Indre. Unfortunately, these are events beyond our control that complicate our daily work.”. He evokes situations of tension, shortages of certain raw materials, but also the increasing price increases.

“Transport, metallurgy, chemistry… It concerns all sectors”, he says. According to him, faced with these price increases, “there are two solutions: either you increase your prices, or you cut back on your margins, knowing that there are a lot of subcontracting companies in the region and that it is difficult for them to increase their prices, and even more to cut back on their margins because they are already very low”.

What solutions in the face of the economic consequences?

The one who is also boss of the castelroussine cosmetics company Pier Augé pleads for “solutions taken at the national level”. For example, he considers “discussions with energy producers to ensure our energy independence, and increase our production of nuclear energy”. It also evokes the reindustrialization of the territory.

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