Bernard Montiel on the verge of “malaise” in the face of his supposed daughter hidden in TPMP

This Monday, March 14, Do not touch My TV started with a big surprise that left Bernard Montiel slightly feverish. A young woman named Carine landed on the set of the show. The chroniclers then had to guess the identity of the young woman. Quickly, they found that she would have a very close connection with one of the members around the table: Bernard Montiel. Carine, born in 1992, claims on Twitter to be the hidden daughter of the former star of Video Gag. The latter would have had an affair with “Mimi“, his mother, a production assistant at the time: “The goal was to see you, it was to see each other. […] It concerns my mom and you, today, she is not here. She doesn’t know“explained Carine in the talk show.

Faced with such a speech, Bernard Montiel was torn between perplexity and sadness for the young woman, he who was certain of having no relationship with her: “Can I simply say that it is not possible? carine i respect you” he launched before reiterating his remarks. Except that this question did not pass on the side of the guest: “You’re not going to tell me that my mom lied to me about that, it’s not possible!“Destitute, Bernard Montiel had no choice but to destroy the hopes of his interlocutor:”Listen, I’ll tell you about it because it’s serious. I feel it affects you. Me, it bothers me in relation to you because it is false.”

After several minutes of palpitation, incomprehension and anguish in the face of Carine, Bernard Montiel was able to catch his breath. The young woman was not called Carine but Sarah and was hired as an actress to prank the one who made the others laugh so much in Video Gag. Suffice to say that the relief was immediately read on the face of Bernard Montiel: “She scared me, well done” he admitted, applauding the acting of the actress. If he maintains that none of this was possible, the former colleague of Olivia Adriaco did not hide having had cold sweats: “I think I’m going to feel sick“. Fortunately, he escaped!

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