Benoit Paire: Unexpected break with Julie Bertin, who swings on her infidelities!

Benoît Paire had been swimming happily with his darling Julie Bertin for over a year. Nothing seemed to be able to separate them. And yet, this Monday, July 18, the reality TV candidate took everyone by surprise by revealing her breakup with the tennis player.

She first revealed the cause of this separation. “I don’t mind staying silent, I don’t mind protecting certain things but I’m certainly not a buffoon, even less when I leave time for the person to refocus supposedly on his sport, but that he prefers to DM all the chicks and date them on the sly” she let go, which suggests that the native of Avignon has gone elsewhere.

“I fell from the 58th floor”

She then left to express all her rage in the face of these alleged infidelities. “I never speak you know, but there, I’m on the verge of exploding. Don’t come and ask me any more questions. I don’t want to have or hear anything from this person anymore. You warned me, I didn’t listen to you” she told her fans. “I fell from the 58th floor in free fall”, “So you send me all your screens? Lol, it even created a calm snap to chat serenely and I sleep way too much. Come on, basta” she concluded.

A disappointment that is difficult to hide for the young Montpellier girl, who had made concessions regarding her professional life in order to stay close to her prince charming. She had actually decided to temporarily stop reality TV to follow him on his tournaments as she revealed on April 4 for VDBuzz.

“I know it will be a source of problems. I have my stability, I’m happy and that comes first! I’m lucky to be able to do a job, where I work from where I want. makes it possible to be able to accompany him almost all the time. And what’s more, it’s fun because he’s with his darling in a tournament. It’s more fun than being alone. Besides, I travel a lot. I thinks that our lives fit together really well. It matches quite well” she had explained. Efforts today erased by a dry and above all unexpected separation.

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