(Montreal) Bennedict Mathurin was at Henri-Bourassa school in Montreal-North to educate about twenty student-athletes on the harmful effects of vaping and provide some advice on their games. The NBA player brought smiles, lessons and above all many cameras and admirers.
Throughout the hour-long exercise, it was all about the neighborhood native.
Picture here, picture there. Bennedict here, there. His power of attraction was so great that a handful of young people gathered in front of the gymnasium window, curious to see the Indiana Pacers star at work.
Mathurin has been so in demand that everyone who has gravitated around the 6’5″ guy has incidentally become a public figure. “We are going to be famous ! exclaimed one of the student-athletes to his friend after doing a television interview with one of the many media present.
Despite being propelled into superstardom, Mathurin said he’s “still the same” as he was growing up on Dagenais Street.
I always believed that I could have been an actor. So since I was young I thought I was popular. Even though I’m getting used to it, I try to stay as humble as possible.
Bennedict Mathurin, Indiana Pacers player
He also took advantage of his return to Montreal to make a stop at a game of the Alliance of Montreal and moved to an IGA in his hometown. Everywhere he went he offered smiles, tell the student-athletes this Tuesday morning. But he said it’s a feeling that goes both ways.
“It gave me a big smile to come here,” he said. His only regret is that he “didn’t make a lot of shots, so I’m going to hit the gym this afternoon.”

Bennedict Mathurin attempting a basket at Henri-Bourassa school in Montreal North.
Far from the street like modus operandi
In addition to giving technical advice, the Quebecer made some recommendations about certain key factors. The first, choose your close guard well.
“Where I grew up it was difficult, admitted Mathurin. Some people around me were smoking and vaping. For me it is as if I had blinkers. I cannot thank my sister enough who always guided me on the right path, that of school and not that of the street. I did not deviate from my goal.
“The main thing is to have a good group of friends, one who wants the best for you. You have to know who wants to help you and not. »

In addition to giving technical advice, the Quebecer made some recommendations about certain key factors.
What’s more, the school he visited is in the heart of his neighborhood. “I know what the difficulties are, because I too grew up in Montreal North. I know that I can be an authority figure especially for those who come from here. »
However, Mathurin knows very well that they are very few to one day reach the NBA, which is why he recommends that students be diligent in their studies.
“Until I was 15, I wanted to go to university, recalled the 20-year-old player. I wanted to do four years in college and graduate. My sister often teases me and reminds me that I don’t have a degree, but I would have liked that. For those who say it’s the NBA or nothing, I say to them: “Woah. Don’t go from A to Z. You don’t have to skip steps B, C. You have to remember where you come from.” »
Where he comes from is also fertile ground for NBA players. Chris Boucher, Luguentz Dort and he are all athletes from Montreal North who have reached the highest peak. A safe bet that their successors will have been inspired by these players.
“Lu[guentz Dort] and I work very hard to give back to the city, and it’s important to continue to be inspiring role models,” concluded Mathurin.