“Benjamin died during the night”, Guillaume Canet launches an alert on Instagram with a moving message…

Producer, director, actor, but also father and companion, Guillaume Canet knows the priorities of a life. Very committed to many professional subjects, such as the defense and survival of farmers, he is also always ready to help those who need it.

This January 31, the companion of Marion Cotillard shared a photo and a moving alert. It is in his Instagram story that Internet users discover the subject: a young man has died, and the circumstances of the tragedy are still unknown. So, to help the parents of the victim, Guillaume Canet decided to share the call for witnesses, in order to give him maximum visibility.

Information to understand the drama

In this alert, Internet users discover a young man, Benjamin, in a photo. Died on the night of Friday December 10 to Saturday December 11, 2021 in Toulouse. More particularly rue Boulbonne. In the incomprehension of this tragedy, the parents of the victim seek to collect valuable information to advance the investigation and their mourning: “Perhaps you saw him between 1:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. in this street. This information is very important for us in order to understand the circumstances of this tragedy”. With the message, photos of the young man, his clothes, and a detailed description.

Thanks to Guillaume Canet, the family of the deceased hopes to be able to obtain some answers, and perhaps understand this terrible drama.

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