Benjamin Castaldi a “formidable” dad: his wife Aurore did not believe it at all, she swings!

Monday March 28, 2022, Benjamin Castaldi was spoiled in Do not touch My TV ! For his 52 years, the columnist received a surprise visit from his wife Aurore Aleman on the set of the C8 show. The latter first came to swing funny files on her man then to sing him a birthday song. But that’s not all, Aurore Aleman also took advantage of her visit to praise his qualities as a father.

The casting director is well placed to know something about it since she had a son with the host in August 2020 named Gabriel. “Tell us how he is at home?“, asked Cyril Hanouna. And for the beautiful Aurore to declare lovingly: “It’s a love. It’s a sun. He gets up, he’s laughing, he spins the potato to everyone, he goes to sports, he’s happy. He is a very good dad who takes care of his son, Contrary to what I thought. Well yes my love, you said to me: ‘We’re having a baby but I don’t take care of it, it’s because for the love, I don’t change the diapers, he doesn’t sleep with us…’ And he sleeps with us, he hasn’t slept for 19 months, you change diapers, you cuddle… He’s great“.

Benjamin Castaldi an absent ex-father

A reality that is surprising in the eyes of Aurore Aleman and for good reason, Benjamin Castaldi was not a very present father for his three eldest, Julien (25 years old) and Simon (21 years old), born of his loves with Valérie Sapienza, and Enzo (18), the son he had with Flavie Flament. “The two big ones, for a long time, I only had them every other weekend. And even when my job allowed me to… (…) I had distanced myself from them and that made me unhappy. I catch up today!“, he admitted during a long interview for Gala in 2018.

Now married to Aurore Aleman since August 2017, Benjamin Castaldi likes to form a united family, with his children and those of his beautiful, Jade (21 years old) and Louise (16 years old). “Family is sacred ! At the beginning of our relationship, I immediately expressed my desire to form a family, with his children and mine. I wanted us all to live together and for it to ‘match’ as ​​quickly as possible“, he confided at the time. Successful bet!

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