“Being attacked, rejected, that’s my story”, Wejdene faced with harassment in high school, she delivers a moving testimony on Instagram

If she appeared as a young woman comfortable in her skin and sure of herself from her first steps on stage and on social networks. Wejdene is actually a 17-year-old girl, still affected by the wounds of the past, who is just waiting to learn.

Now, she is no longer afraid to show who she really is. Revealed thanks to his tube Anissa, revealing a betrayal in love, Wejdene had shown a revenge cap of his personality. That of a woman who didn’t need a man to be happy. But with her new title, called “The Best”, shared on her Instagram account on March 21, the latter shows a more moving facet. Inspired by her own experience to address the theme of bullying and aggression at school, she knew how to speak to her fans.

It’s not a single. This is my story”

It is in Instagram story, after having made the buzz with this new title, that the singer explains her situation: “It’s not a single. This is my story”and then goes into the details: Far from there the idea to make the buzz. I have already experienced it several times, being assaulted, rejected from a group, not feeling good about myself. Even today, many forget that I am only 17, criticize me, hate me for nothing, when all I want is to make music. Whether you like it or not, I’m doing it for my generation. Know that your wickedness has made me stronger. But I’ll never understand it.”

The opportunity for the young woman to give hope to those who are victims of harassment at school. Through a surprising outfit: curly blond hair, braces, damaged clothes, Wejdene invites the girls who follow her to believe in themselves at all costs. A nice message of support.


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