BEI investigates allegations of police brutality against Senegalese diplomat

The Bureau of Independent Investigations (BEI) is investigating allegations that a Senegalese diplomat was detained and beaten by Gatineau police last week.

Guy Lapointe, of the Bureau of Independent Investigations, confirmed this on Monday at The Canadian Press. The investigation into these allegations begins by requesting copies of reports made following the incident.

The Quebec Ministry of Public Security confirmed on Saturday that Minister Geneviève Guilbault had asked the BEI to investigate the actions of police officers from the Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau (SPVG) towards a Senegalese diplomat.

The acting Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, Andrée Laforest reported that the first counselor of the Embassy of Senegal in Canada would have been the subject of a police intervention which raises questions.

Under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, this person has diplomatic immunity, the ministry adds.

“Savagely Beaten”

Senegal has accused Canadian police of “savagely beating” one of its diplomats earlier this week. The Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau rather indicated that it had faced “an aggressive person”, who allegedly injured two police officers.

In a press release dated Thursday and made public on Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal reports “a raid of rare violence by Canadian police on August 2 at the home of a Senegalese diplomat on duty at the Embassy of Senegal in Ottawa”.

The document states that she was “handcuffed and savagely beaten, to the point that she had difficulty breathing, which led to her evacuation by ambulance to the hospital”.

The SPVG explains, in a press release published Friday evening, that the police came to provide “assistance to a bailiff with an order to be executed” Tuesday around 1:30 p.m.

The person being “aggressive and refusing to cooperate”, the police intervened to explain the process. It was at this time that a “policewoman was hit in the face and injured”, it is specified.

“The police then decided to arrest the person in order to put an end to the offence, for the safety of those present. The person resisted arrest and bitten a second policeman. The person was then brought to the ground to be controlled, ”explains the SPVG.

The bailiff was then able to make his order while the person was “detained in the back of the patrol vehicle, under the supervision of a policewoman”.

“At no time did the person mention having been injured or having pain when questioned,” adds the SPVG.

The paramedics intervened with this same person around 3 p.m. and called the SPVG for assistance, details the police department.

Senegal accuses the police of “humiliating physical and moral violence [sur la diplomate]before witnesses, and in the presence of his minor children”.

The country says it summoned the charge d’affaires of the Canadian Embassy in Dakar to the Senegalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday. “A note of protest has been served to the Canadian authorities,” it added.

The Senegalese government is calling for an investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators of this attack. He claims it is a “flagrant violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations”.

The SPVG emphasizes for its part that it has called on the provincial and federal authorities. A file has been “to the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP) so that charges of assault on an officer and obstruction of police work be filed”.

Due to the First Counselor’s diplomatic immunity, the DPCP has closed the file regarding the police officers’ complaint, according to a statement from the Ministry of Public Security released on Saturday.

Concerned Global Affairs

Global Affairs Canada says it is “extremely concerned about the alleged treatment of a Senegalese diplomat by the Gatineau Police Service”. The agency considers the incident to be “simply unacceptable.”

“We are working diligently with the various levels of government concerned and await a thorough investigation. Minister Joly is in contact with her Senegalese counterpart. Canada will continue to cooperate fully with Senegal to remedy this regrettable situation,” it said. The Canadian Press in an email on Saturday.

“Canada takes its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations very seriously. »

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