“Behind the door of a caregiver”: helping others

The figure seems unreal: Quebec has 1.5 million caregivers, which represents 21.5% of the adult population. And if close help is omnipresent in the media and in the mouths of politicians, the experience of those most concerned remains a gray area for the general public. Jean-Sébastien Girard, himself a caregiver, meets some of his peers to set the record straight for 2022.

“You have to mourn the person while they are alive. These words spoken by Maria Vilas, who takes care of her mother suffering from Alzheimer’s on a daily basis, sum up the spirit of the documentary well. What strikes first and foremost when looking at it is the emotional demands placed on caregivers when providing care in the home.

Since they—well, especially them—accompany a loved one to the ultimate farewell, their whole life is turned upside down. And as if the apprehension felt at the death of a parent or spouse were not enough, caregivers are often on the verge of mental exhaustion following the inevitable renunciation of their social activities, even certain professional obligations. Not to mention the guilt that overwhelms them when one day, institutionalization becomes the only option.

By giving them a voice, but also by meeting different players in the community, the documentary raises with humanity the issues inherent in the aging of the population. Now, “it’s not about what you would do if it happened to you, but when it will happen,” says Jean-Sébastien Girard.

Behind the door of a caregiver

ICI Télé, Saturday May 14, 10:30 p.m. and on Tou.tv

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