Behind the door | Chloe’s pictures

The Press offers you a weekly testimony that aims to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in privacy, far, far from statistics and standards. Today: Chloé*, 38 years old.

Posted at 4:00 p.m.

Silvia Galipeau

Silvia Galipeau
The Press

Chloé* likes to please, she likes to seduce — basically, she likes to turn things on. To do this, and recently, she takes photos and videos. But beware: virtually only. Here’s how. And here’s the main reason why.

“I have always been attracted to men, always liked to please, always wanted a lover. My first serious love was when I was 13, and it was fantastic, says the 30-year-old, who I recently met in a bistro in Vaudreuil. Yes, it’s young, but it was really wanted and thought out. From the first relationship, I had an orgasm! »

Their story lasts two years. Chloe then had another boyfriend, just a few weeks (“I need to feel wanted, but with this guy, I didn’t feel it at all”), before meeting the one who was to become her husband and the man in her life. Yes, at 15!

“We were in secondary 3 and it was love at first sight. The love, the sex, it was wonderful. We were always together! And they still are.

Seated apart, for more privacy, the discreet brunette with blue eyes looks like a very ordinary mother. And she knows it. Dressed simply, in a t-shirt dress and wearing barely any make-up, she could be “the mother next door, the neighbor, the soccer mom. An ordinary person who has it hidden! she says smiling, her eyes suddenly sparkling. “That” is her secret, to her (a friend, and her mother, too) and, not insignificant detail, her spouse. The reason for our interview.

We moved in together when we were 17. […] And not a day goes by that we don’t say we love each other. It really is like a fairy tale.

Chloe, 38 years old

It’s been more than 20 years and yes, despite the children, life, all that, she has always been fulfilled, never wanted to deceive him, in short, everything is for the best in the best of all worlds. Well almost.

“It’s always been passion, love, orgasms […]. But having children, I forgot myself as a woman. […] I was a stay-at-home mom. […] And everything passed before me. »

It took him years to realize it. Until recently, in fact. At the new year, during a traditional family retrospective. “Each year, she explains, we write down what we have done, what we want to do, what we would like to improve. And me, I found myself in front of my box and I didn’t know what to write. […] It really struck me. »

Of course, “it’s not nothing, I have a husband, children. […] But I did not accomplish anything as a woman, she continues. Yes, I raised children, it’s a lot, but it’s not necessarily recognized. »

As proof: his last job was in a video store. “There, I felt like doing something for myself. »

Chloe discussed it with her husband. Reflexive. Thought of the possibilities. And it was he who, one fine day, came up with this idea of ​​creating, you guessed it, an erotic page. Carrément: a naughty site on social networks. “Let’s see! It doesn’t make sense! What are people going to say? I’m not sexy enough! Except here it is: the idea didn’t exactly come from nowhere. And after reflection, she realized the obvious: “I like sex a lot, I have a strong libido, I like to explore, talk to people, charm, a lot. I like it a lot…”, she insists. Oh yeah, and she wants to do something from home, too. So why not ?

Monsieur took care of the security/confidentiality aspect, she took care of the content. She took her photos, recorded her videos, and they dug together the marketing strategy, if you allow the expression (“and that’s a whole world!”). Results ? “I thought I was beautiful, naked and in lingerie! »

It’s funny, it’s like I’m a different person. My God, is it me? I am so beautiful!

Chloe, 38 years old

Not only does Chloe find herself beautiful, but above all she is “proud”. Proud of her, and of what she achieves here. Finally. “It’s beautiful, it’s like art, erotic art,” she says, smiling. I discovered that I had two personalities […]. Old Chloe and new. And it’s as if the news had always been there, but muffled. »

Speaking of achievement, and after months of “work” (although she prefers to speak here of “passion”), Chloé also has a nice number of subscribers. Paying subscribers, of course, even if she doesn’t do this at all for the money, it should be said. “We are very comfortable financially […]. I really don’t need the money. »

Chloé even fell in love with one of them (her very first subscriber, a guy in Australia), with whom she exchanged (and still exchanges) compulsively (although less now), for several months. “It was really virtual”, she specifies, and no, her husband did not see the slightest concern. On the contrary. Proud, we understand, to see his wife flourish here, he even encouraged her. “No problem, open your heart. »

Besides, this new life has put a lot of spice in their bed. “My sex life is more exciting, she confirms, because all day, I am excited. Then when we are together, it makes sparks! »

She has been confiding in her for nearly two hours. Questions race through our heads: does she consider herself a sex worker (no, not at all, more like a “tease”, she laughs, and purely “virtual”); how far will she go (roughly we’ll see, but no further for now), and her children, in all this? “I’m an adult, it’s legal, and it makes me happy, she explained to them, because yes, everything ends up being known and she knows it. And my adult life, my intimacy, doesn’t really concern them…”

Besides, Chloe assumes completely. “Me, a guy looking at me, it makes me happy, she insists. The important thing in life is to respect yourself and do what you love. »

This is also what she would like us to remember from her story. “I love it so much, I would like to tell everyone! […] I hope that people who read my story will be inspired to do what they love too”, she concludes, before adding: “even if it is less socially accepted…”

* Fictitious first name, to protect his anonymity.

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