Beginning of the public consultation dedicated to the “Tribute to heroes” project

Opponents and supporters of the historic and touristic landing memorial park project in Carentan-les-Marais will finally be able to express their enthusiasm or their skepticism within a legal and regulatory framework: that of public consultation. It begins this Tuesday, August 16, and until October 7, it aims to better present this project called “Tribute to heroes” but which is controversial for historical but also environmental reasons.

Since the unveiling of this project by Hervé Morin during his vows ceremony in January 2020, the subject has been controversial. The fault may be with the politician himself who evoked the idea of ​​a “Puy du Fou in Normandy” raising fears that an amusement park would see the light of day a few kilometers from the military cemeteries and the landing beaches.

Opposition in the name of history and the environment

Quickly, the opponents made themselves heard against what they have since called “this D-Day Land” : signatures from stands by historians denouncing the mercantile nature of the operation, reactions from descendants of English veterans speaking of insults to the memory of the deceased… The emotion was strong. Another reason for rejecting the project: the 32 hectares of requisitioned land around Carentan. This does not pass at a time when we insist on the importance of avoiding the artificialization of soils. Opponents should therefore take advantage of the month and a half of public consultation to express their ideas.

Support in the name of economy… and transmission of memory

But supporters will not be outdone: they will be able to defend the economic impact of the project, which should create around 250 jobs, and the educational ambition of the promoters who guarantee “great historical rigor”. It will also be an opportunity to have access to all the technical elements and to discuss with the designers of this park.

To participate in this public consultation, you can go to the website or send an email to the address [email protected]. Registers will also be available at the town halls of Carentan-les-Marais, at the Bay of Cotentin tourist office and at the prefecture in Saint-Lô.

In addition, a series of public meetings are planned:

  • At the Carentan theater on August 19, September 13 and October 6 (6:30 p.m.)
  • At the village hall of Arromanches-les-bains, September 6 (6:30 p.m.)
  • At the Cité de la Mer in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, September 22 (6:30 p.m.)

source site-38