before the legislative elections, national education executives assure that they will not apply future RN measures

In a petition, heads of establishments, educational, academy and general inspectors say they fear for the values ​​of the school if the far-right party comes to power.



Reading time: 2 min

A primary school class (illustration).  (CORINNE SIMON / HANS LUCAS)

This is an unprecedented position on the part of agents supposed to apply the measures of the various governments, whatever they may be: civil servants affirm that they will refuse to obey if the National Rally comes to power at the outcome of the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

In a petition, signed by 700 national education executives (heads of establishments, educational, academy and general inspectors), they denounce: “Because we serve the State, we declare today that none of us will apply measures that would contravene the values ​​of the Republic“, we can read there.

These signatories took a position after having closely studied the program of the National Rally. They thus denounce the fact of being able to verify the French identity of students, for example. Public schools in France welcome everyone, they point out.

We are in a situation where the National Rally is not in the Republican arc. On a certain number of subjects, and we will see what will be asked of us, if we consider that it is in contradiction with the values ​​of the Republic such as freedom, equality, fraternity, secularism, and well we will disobey!“, specifies Emmanuel Constant, principal of a college in Val-de-Marne and also elected socialist in Seine-Saint-Denis, a commitment that he assures has always sidelined from his work, until now.

Strong words, assumed by these executives, these “servants of the state“, they themselves point out, but the signatories base themselves on the status of the civil service. The obligation of hierarchical obedience can cease if the order given risks seriously compromising the public interest.

Alain-Philippe, principal deputy in Seine-et-Marne, has no political commitment. But this reservist in the army assures us: he did not hesitate to sign the petition: “I know what commitment is, I know what loyalty is. It’s not about choosing what we like or don’t like in this or that program, it’s about refusing an ideology that goes against the values ​​of the school for which I signed.“. This head of establishment does not exclude the other possibility, in the event of a victory for the RN in the legislative elections, of leaving National Education.

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