Beaches: selling donuts, a showdown


Article written by

A. Domy, C. Chabaud, F. Fornier – France 2

France Televisions

The donut we enjoy on our beaches, who hasn’t succumbed to it one day? On 12/13 a decided to follow the adventures of one of these sellers who know how to whet our appetite, and who we find almost every day on the sand of La Grande-Motte in the Hérault.

“A donut before going for a swim! Or a donut for a treat.” It’s the most famous refrain of the summer. The summer melody, which sounds good the sweet flavors of childhood. Instant plunge into holidays and indulgence. Who has never cracked for scrunchies or donuts? A treat for swimmers. For the seller, it’s a showdown. “The tray weighs about ten kilos when it is full. After it empties, there is also the distance traveled which is quite significant, the heat”ofclear Jonathan Serrat, seller for “Loulou beignet” in La Grande-Motte (Hérault). The young man says he has lost almost seven kilos since the beginning of the summer.

12 kilometers per day in the legs, it’s sporty, but our sand marathon runner can count on the support of his supporters. In the memory of vacationers, they have always been part of the decor on the beaches of France. Only the clothing styles have changed a bit. Jonathan Serrat spends 250 km per month on average walking the beach, the equivalent of six marathons. But with a little practice, the effort pays off. “I get a percentage on sales”says Jonathan Serrat, who sells a hundred a day.

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