barrier gestures, vaccine booster, teleworking on the menu of the Health Defense Council

“The hospital is not yet full but the staff are tired. We must act now” underlines a member of the executive. Among the ministers, the finding is unanimous: “Too much forgetting, too much relaxation in barrier gestures. We need clearer rules”, in other words, the government plans to make the wearing of masks compulsory in all establishments open to the public to fight against an upsurge in the Covid-19 epidemic.

Since July, the presentation of a health pass, at the entrance, for example of a cinema or a leisure center, generally made it possible to keep the mask in his pocket. This will probably no longer be the case. Including in the restaurants, for the customers but also for the personnel, however vaccinated. “The dynamics of the incidence rate are worrying, everyone has to adapt”, observes a ministerial adviser. Since Sunday, Alain Griset, the Minister in charge of SMEs has met with various representatives of the hotels, cafes and restaurants sector. The effectiveness of the strengthening of controls by the police is also on the menu of the Health Defense Council which is held on Wednesday, November 24 at the Elysee.

Since last September, those over 65, people suffering from co-morbidities and healthcare professionals have had access to a booster dose. In one week, on December 1, it will be the turn of the over 50s to have access to this vaccination booster. But the government is already planning to go further. The defense council will debate access to a booster dose to all citizens over 18, whose complete vaccination schedule dates back more than six months. And the decision is not in doubt. “We must think of all those who have been vaccinated for more than six months and who want to protect their loved ones during the holidays thanks to a third dose”, underlines a leader of the executive. “More than 1,000 vaccination centers are open in France. Pharmacists are now operational and there is no risk of a shortage of vaccines”, one adds to the Ministry of Health.

It remains to be seen whether this reminder will be necessary to keep your health pass. “The question will be asked this morning, it is legitimate”, according to a minister, but it will undoubtedly not be decided. While Jean-François Delfraissy, the president of the scientific council, wanted for those over 65, the health pass to be subject to the vaccination booster “from next week”, his advice will not be followed.

Finally, among the other points, closely scrutinized at the Élysee, the issue of teleworking. No hardening of the rules immediately. “Let us avoid increasing the constraints for the French and the economy as long as there is no prospect of a trombosis in the hospital”, warns a majority leader, close to Emmanuel Macron.

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