Barely graduated from the Lille journalism school, an Iranian journalist was arrested and has been imprisoned in Tehran for a month

An Iranian journalist, trained at the Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille and living in France with his wife, has been imprisoned in Tehran since the end of September. He was reporting in the country for Arte.

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Vahid Shamsoddinnezhad, a student at ESJ Lille until last August, has been incarcerated in Iran for a month, franceinfo learned in a press release from the Lille journalism school on Saturday October 29.

The journalist of Iranian nationality, who graduated in September, was reporting in the country, “to cover the events that shake Iran“, relates for his part his employer, Arte, in a press release published this Saturday. “in perfect transparency vis-à-vis the authorities”. Last September 24, before leaving for the report, he had “submitted a letter of accreditation as well as the coordinates of his French press card, with the authorities in Tehran”explains the Franco-German channel.

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Since his arrest on September 28, he has been detained in Tehran and is the subject of an investigation, according to his employer, who specifies that Vahid Shamsoddinnezhad, a young father, has been living in France since 2020, in a regular situation with his wife.

“It’s a shock, a cause for concern”reacts Pierre Savary, director of ESJ Lille, to franceinfo.

“I feel a lot of emotion from both the students and the school staff who have been around Vahid during his two years of study.”

Pierre Savary, director of ESJ Lille

at franceinfo

The school director explains that the journalist was not present in mid-October for his graduation. “We knew he was supposed to be on assignment in Iran, but we didn’t have all the information we have today,” he specifies.

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