Barbara Schulz mom: the birth of her daughter Minne marked by a terrible drama

Some moms assure you: the birth of a child is the happiest day in a woman’s life. For Barbara Schulz, the story is different. Married to Romain Hatchuel in 2005, mother of a girl and a boy – Minne, 17 years old and Jérémy, born in 2011 -, the actress experienced joy and pain when she gave birth to her eldest. Her dad took his last breath at the same time as she gave birth, making this day unforgettable on many levels.

I suddenly went from child to mother

I became a mother in somewhat special circumstances, since my father died the day my daughter was born, told Barbara Schulz in the columns of the magazine Women’s issues. I suddenly went from child to mother. Becoming has made me much more forgiving about parenting. When you become a parent, you realize that it’s not that easy. We also realize the love we feel for our child and how much our parents love us.“.

Romain Hatchuel, the father of her children, is a businessman, entrepreneur and advertiser. Born in the 1970s, he had his whole family move to the United States in 2011 … while Barbara Schulz was pregnant with Jérémy. “Until then, I held myself back because of my careershe confided to Gala. I realized that I had to live. When I got back, I savored a lot more. Today, what I have is fine.“Separated since 2014, the two exes seem to have kept a nice relationship. And after all, the actress is rarely on bad terms with her former companions.

After having known love with Romain Hatchuel, Barbara Schulz actually counted flair with Arié Elmaleh. But impossible to know if, after several round trips, these two are still together… or just good comrades. “This isn’t the first time we’ve been on set, she explained recently, when they shared the poster for the TV movie Drama on the high seas. And if it were embarrassing, we wouldn’t repeat the experience so often. Playing with a friend is necessarily more comfortable. When we have already played together, there is a bond that is present. We have less modesty, less embarrassment, we dare more. Some of the work is already done. It’s definitely nice.” So, love story or friendship?

Find Barbara Schulz in the series The replacement, on TF1 on March 21, 2022.

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