Bakhmout soon in the hands of the Russians?


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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The city of Bakhmout is surrounded by the Russians and could fall at any time. On the spot, the journalist Anaïs Hanquet provides details on the situation, Saturday March 4.

In Ukraine, the battle around Bakhmout, located in the east of the country, is raging. Russian forces claim to have surrounded the city and call on President Zelensky to withdraw his troops. “Military activity is very intense here. Only a few minutes ago, we saw two helicopters pass overhead, they were flying extremely low.”reports the special envoy Anaïs Hanquet, on the spot Saturday, March 4.

Ukrainian trenches already dug around the city

The journalist says she sees a constant coming and going of vehicles, such as tanks or 4x4s, heading towards Bakhmout. “Is it a convoy of reinforcements or will these vehicles be used to evacuate the soldiers who are still in the city?asks Anaïs Hanquet.The day before, the France Télévisions team met Ukrainian soldiers and felt in their voices and their gaze “that the situation was extremely difficult”. The city is almost completely surrounded, more than one road allows access. “Proof of this difficulty, we could see in the fields, outside of Bakhmout, that trenches had been dug, with the aim of preventing a new Russian advance if the city were to fall.“, she concludes.

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