Back to VAT | Stéphan Bureau at the helm of the show Le monde à l’envers

Host Stéphan Bureau will lead a new major debate and current affairs platform, The world upside downstarting September 16 on TVA.

Posted at 11:12 a.m.

Marissa Groguhe

Marissa Groguhe
The Press

Stéphan Bureau will be accompanied on his set by collaborators and guests. The weekly show will focus on discussions where “all opinions are allowed”, announces the channel in a press release.

Lively reactions on current topics, interactions with the public and “fiery” discussions are promised for this new appointment on Friday evening, 8 p.m.

In 2021, Stéphan Bureau left Radio-Canada in controversy. He had conducted an interview with French infectious disease specialist Didier Raoult, whom the station’s ombudsman had declared to be in breach of Radio-Canada’s journalistic standards and practices. Having refused to apologize, the host subsequently decided to leave the ranks of the state station.

This is a return to the airwaves of TVA for the host who had been at the helm of the public affairs magazine The Event in the 1990s, then from the series of interviews The exchangerin the mid-2000s.

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