Since June 1, Gers motorists can reaccelerate on 10% of departmental roads which go back to 90 km / hour. This represents 350 km of roads (including the D930 Condom-Auch, the D929 Auch-Masseube, the D634 Lombez-L’Isle-Jourdain, the D654 L’Isle-Jourdain-Fleurance, or the D935 Barcelonne-du-Gers – Risk). Even if the record of road accidents is not good (five deaths since the beginning of the year including three on departmental roads, against one last year at the same time), the return to 90 km/h has been confirmed by the departmental road safety commission. 250 signs indicating the change of limitation are being installed.
To raise this speed limit, the departments can rely on a law of December 24, 2019, which softens the decree of July 1, 2018 on the lowering of the maximum authorized speed.
In Aveyron, all departmental roads limited to 90km/hour
On July 1, in Aveyron, 5,000 km of additional departmental roads will again be limited to 90 km / h. The Departmental Road Safety Commission, chaired by the prefect of the department, voted the decision on Monday, May 30. In total, a little over 6,000 km of roads will therefore go back to 90 km/hour. A study on accidentology showed that the risk was not increased by going back to this speed limit.
In the Tarn, 23% of the departmental road network limited to 90km/hour
On February 1, in the Tarn, 188 km of departmental roads saw the maximum authorized speed drop to 90 km / h. After having raised the speed limit from 80 to 90 km / hour on 177 km of departmental roads in 2021. In total, the department has raised 365 kilometers of its road network to 90 km / h.
The Hautes-Pyrenees also took the plunge, returning just over 7% of their network to 90 km / h (227 kilometers). Haute-Garonne has no plans to increase some of its departmental roads to 90 km / h. the Tarn-et-Garonne did not take the plunge either, nor did theAude, The Lot or theAriegewhere the issue is currently not under consideration.