Axel Bauer facing the disease: “It is not the first time that I see the truck pass very close”

Romantic relationships, breakups, births … Singers are often inspired by their private life! Axel Bauer in turn proves it. He subtly reveals in music that he is suffering from leukemia.

For the release of his new single, Here London (from the album Radio London, available on May 6), Axel Bauer spoke with The Parisian. He evoked the title of the opus, a nod to his father Franck Bauer, former resistance to the Nazi occupation and announcer of Radio London, his son Jim, revealed in the program The voice, as well as his own health. In a baptized song It’s clever, Axel Bauer alludes to a tumor.

The news broke this morning, the cold is gaining ground, I could have avoided it, it’s smart. The news broke this morning, the tears flowed on your hands, there is this foreign body, it is clever. So far invincible, and yet …“, sings the artist. And to conclude:”If you have it, you die, it’s smart, kill it, you die, it’s smart. If you have it, you die, it’s smart, kill it, you die, or I die of sorrow“.

There is an autobiographical character, but I did not have to undergo treatment, specifies Axel Bauer at Parisian. What interests me is to tell the moment when your life changes, when you receive such disturbing news which shows you that you are not invincible, which places you in front of a real choice of survival, of resistance there Also. It is a message of hope. This is not the first time that I have seen the truck pass nearby. But I have long been convinced that death must be made your best ally.

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