Awareness campaign for cyclists | “Behavioral problems” to correct

A vast awareness campaign for cyclists is being prepared in Montreal, to encourage them to better respect the Road Safety Code. This all comes at a time when the case of a little girl recently hit by a cyclist who failed to respect the stop lights of a bus caused shock waves.

What there is to know

  • By next year, a campaign should be launched to raise cyclists’ awareness of road safety.
  • According to Vélo Québec and Piétons Québec, the growth of cycling infrastructure makes more education necessary.
  • On May 9, a little girl was hit by a cyclist who failed to stop at the flashing lights of a school bus.

Vélo Québec recently made a request to the Road Safety Fund of the Ministry of Transport to carry out a visibility campaign aimed at cyclists by spring 2025. This awareness blitz should generally focus on the application of behaviors specific to Road safety code, starting with priority for pedestrians.

“We don’t hide it: there are behavioral problems,” says the program director at Vélo Québec, Magali Bebronne.

His group hopes to be able to launch this campaign before the arrival of the “sustainable mobility corridor” on the Henri-Bourassa axis, where a branch of the Express Bike Network (REV) will see the light of day, alongside a Rapid Bus Service (SRB) by 2027.

This is the first time that we will have a very high density of public transport with a cycle lane, so it risks exacerbating tensions. It would be a shame if we missed this opportunity to work on mentalities.

Magali Bebronne, program director at Vélo Québec

She gives the example of last week’s incident, during which a little girl crossing the street to get to her school bus was hit by a cyclist who had failed to stop, on Plateau Mont-Royal. Fortunately, the victim is doing well. The fact remains that this is a clear violation of the Road Safety Code which has been denounced in unison in the cycling community.

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