Aurore (Pékin Express), an illness broke out during her pregnancy: weight loss and “unbearable pain”

A few days ago, Aurora and Jonathan were thrilled to share the greatest news with their Instagram community. They are expecting their first child together. The arrival of this baby seems like a real victory for the couple revealed in Beijing Express in 2021. And for good reason, before getting there, Aurore and Jonathan went through seven years of PMA (medically assisted procreation, editor’s note). This “gift of life” as they call her should point the tip of her nose at the next Christmas period. But in the meantime, Aurore’s pregnancy is likely to be very long, blame it on the illness that broke out.

In story Instagram, the ex-adventurer of M6 confided to suffer fromhyperemesis gravidarum, a pathology which causes numerous and violent vomiting in pregnant women. “Sometimes it stops in the third month, but some women live with this child until delivery. We are talking about 3% of women affected by hyperemesis gravidarum in France today. So, yes, we forget everything when the shrimp is born, but it’s a real pain. I learned that some women resort to abortion because the pain is unbearable“, she informed.

Aurore then opened up about the painful daily life that has been hers in recent weeks: “We stay in the dark for whole days, we cannot communicate because the idea of ​​opening your mouth makes you vomit. Throwing up 40 times a day is unbearable. Waking up every half hour at night is unbearable. When I say hell, that’s really the word. I have never experienced so much physical and psychological suffering as during this period.. We feel desperately alone and in bad shape when we are supposed to live the most beautiful moments (especially after 7 years of PMA)“.

Because of this disease still too little known in France, Aurore has “lost about 7kg during the second and the beginning of the third month“. The worst, however, seems to be now behind since today, she has regained her “initial weight” as she entered her fourth month of pregnancy.

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