Attack in Sherbrooke: a man injured in the head

A man suffered a head injury during an attack that occurred during the night from Friday to Saturday in Sherbrooke.

It was around 3:30 a.m. that two police officers on surveillance noticed a crowd and the beginning of an argument at the corner of Wellington Street North and Whiting Lane. As they were heading there, a 23-year-old young man came to see them with a head injury and heavy bleeding. The latter would have confirmed having been attacked.

“The police men [ont débuté] quickly provide first aid while waiting for paramedics. The young man was taken into care and transported to the hospital center to treat injuries that did not endanger his life,” said the Sherbrooke Police Department.

Patrollers, investigators and forensic identification technicians were called to the scene to locate the suspect, interview the various witnesses and analyze the scene. The authorities have indicated that they have not yet made any arrests in this case.

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