When a manager suggested it “on the other side of the Atlantic, he was given a cold shoulder,” a union representative explained on France Inter.
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“Today, if we had to question teleworking at Stellantis, it would be a social irritant”warned Benoît Vernier, central union delegate at the CFDT at Stellantis, on France Inter on Monday, September 23, while the American giant Amazon ended teleworking last week by asking its executives to return to the office five days out of five.
At Stellantis, an agreement was signed with unions in 2021 allowing people to work from home for up to three weeks a month. CEO Carlos Tavares himself works eight days a month from home in Portugal.
Benoît Vernier explains that at Stellantis, “A manager on the other side of the Atlantic felt that in France, we had too high a level of teleworking for him.” According to the union representative, this manager “was given a final refusal”. Benoît Vernier emphasizes that the manufacturer would in any case “unable” to question teleworking. The group has “a ‘flex office’ system (without a fixed desk), meaning that for ten employees there are only seven desks”specifies Benoît Vernier.
Stellantis also saw the benefit of teleworking by reducing its office space. This reduction in its real estate loan allowed it to make substantial savings.