at least four dead and 30 injured in train derailment in the Bavarian Alps

Several wagons of the train to Munich came off the rails on Friday at the level of the town of Burgrain.

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This is “shattering news”said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. At least four people died and 30 others were injured on Friday, June 3, in Germany in the derailment of a regional train in the Bavarian Alps. Shortly after leaving the mountain resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, several carriages of a train bound for Munich came off the tracks at the municipality of Burgrain.

Fifteen injured people had to be transported to hospitals in the region, said Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, who went there. A woman, seriously injured, died while being transported to a hospital. The other three dead were trapped under a train car, he added, adding that other bodies could be discovered.

Help was also sent from neighboring Austria and six helicopters mobilized, according to the continuous news channel N-TV. A local police spokesman said on television that the regional train was “very busy and many people used it, hence the high number of injuries”.

The cause of the accident is not known at this stage. But on public Bavarian radio, regional transport minister Christian Bernreiter spoke of a probable “technical problem, either on the train or on the tracks” and ruled out any malicious acts.

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