At a meeting in Brive Valérie Pécresse cultivates her image as heir to Jacques Chirac

Valérie Pécresse, the Republican candidate for the presidential election, was at a meeting in Brive this Friday evening. One of the few she had put on her program in the large south-west quarter of France. The Salle des Trois-Provinces was packed. about 800 people. She certainly has family ties in the department but her coming to Chiraquie was probably symbolic. She greatly cultivated her image as the heiress of Jacques Chirac.

The support of Claude Chirac

And what better symbol of the Jacques Chirac heritage than the presence of Claude Chirac? Elected from Corrèze it formalized its support for Valérie Pécresse. And she was in the front row at the meeting. The first words of the candidate were for her: “your support today, it touches me and it honors me”. Subsequently Valérie Pécresse cited the name of Jacques Chirac many times. Her mentor pointed out who him “gave (his) chance. It was he who sowed in me this little seed that germinated from politics”. Jacques Chirac, whose values ​​she also claims and that she often opposed in her speech to the other candidates. “We would never have heard Jacques Chirac say that he wanted to annoy certain French people”.

Valérie Pécresse and Claude Chirac side by side: symbolic image of this meeting in Chiraquie © Radio France
Philippe Graziani

The Corréziens seduced

A filiation that the Corréziens present at the Brive meeting unanimously recognized him. They are conquered. “We completely agree, we believe in it. It’s a real chiraquienne who will bring the policy we want” one says. “It’s true that it’s her legacy. Now she adapts to today’s times. It’s ideal” said another. This is summed up even more simply by a third: I am a former Chiraquian. I wouldn’t be here otherwise”. And many dream of her being the future President of the Republic. The return of Chiraquie to the Elysée in short.

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