Assistance with access to SEPAQ parks | Quebec invests 1.9 million

Quebec is investing 1.9 million to make the national parks of the Société des establishments de plein air du Québec (SEPAQ) more accessible to the population. The Minister of Sport, Recreation and the Outdoors, Isabelle Charest, and the CEO of SEPAQ, Martin Soucy, made the announcement Friday morning at Oka National Park.

The new measure will operate in two parts. Initially, from May 25, 65,000 access cards to SEPAQ parks will be on sale with a 30% reduction, reducing the normal cost of the annual card from $88.50 to 61.95 $. A portion of 1.5 million of the announced investment is allocated to this first measure.

Secondly, a portion of $375,000 will be used to make national parks accessible free of charge to community organizations through the distribution of daily access and assistance with transportation. Dedicated to organizations helping vulnerable people and newcomers, the government estimates that this second measure should allow at least 10,000 people to benefit from SEPAQ parks.

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