Ashley Madison: sex, lies and scandal | Caught in the trap of

Hello and welcome to another “true crime” miniseries that isn’t particularly transcendent, but is devoured like Cape Cod potato chips doused in white vinegar.

What ? Already finished ? Three one-hour episodesAshley Madison: sex, lies and scandal on Netflix and we hit rock bottom. From this true story, of course, but also from the bag of chips.

Decision fatigue resulting from the abundance of new TV series is also that. We rely on the Netflix algorithm by selecting one of the titles in the top 10 from the platform and, oops, too late, the vortex sucks us in.

Out of laziness, boredom or sheer ease, we put on these “clickbait” type docuseries like Ashley Madisonwhich chronicles the rise and fall of this popular online dating site, a sort of Tinder for unfaithful married people.

It’s in Toronto – such Canadian pride! – what was this web giant designed, which had 37 million subscribers before a hacker revealed, in the summer of 2015, the names and contact details of all the cheating members, including the ultra Catholic Josh Duggar of TLC reality show 19 Kids and Countingas well as a handful of second-rate American politicians.

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