As drought hits, climate activists gather near Toulouse

This is an event that is more relevant than ever in this hot and dry summer. While the rivers are reaching very low levels in Occitania, while a large part of the former Midi-Pyrénées region is at a crisis level or heightened alert concerning Drought. Hundreds of environmental activists gathered at Camp Climat in Ramonville. An event organized for three years in the Toulouse area. It just ended this Sunday, August 21.

Seasoned activists, but not only

Camp climat is a place of training, explains the organizers of the event in Toulouse. Workshops, stands, discussion times are offered. The idea is to train activists, to create links between different associations and people. The event is carried by four collectives : Alternatiba, ANV Cop21, Friends of the Earth, and Disobedient Toulouse. Between 100 and 150 people were registered for the workshops each day between this Thursday and this Friday

If they are mainly militants already mobilized, there are also “new”. People already sensitive to the climate cause, but not necessarily regularly mobilized in the field. “We had made estimates at the Climate Camp last year (…) and there were at least half of the people who came who had never been an activist (…) what stood out a lot was ‘I don’t ‘couldn’t stay home anymore, and I wanted to find a way to get involved’. The Camp climat ca serves as a gateway“explains Rachel, one of the spokespersons for the event.

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