Arthur H sings “La Vie”, the little stories and the collective

Quite simply, “La Vie” is the title of Arthur H’s new album. The singer and musician is back with his very special, sensitive and often spiritual songs, an album fruit of a collaboration, also special, with the artist Léonore Mercier.

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On the French scene, few established artists like Arthur H, with about fifteen studio albums all the same, give the impression of recreating a new universe each time. Certainly there is his voice, infra-bass way but not only, and this innate way of telling dream or real stories, whether it is a musician from the titanic, a family secret or a Russian tale with a firebird. “I always feel, not a beginner or naive, but looking at a new landscape“, he sums up.

“A record is not something you can do without problems, like an apple cake; it’s a rather complex collective enterprise.”

The collective forward

With him, there is always a collective, the faithful Nicolas Repac in search of the perfect sample, and his companion, the contemporary artist Léonore Mercier, at the essential work on this disc conceived quickly, in six months. Their collaboration, personal and professional, gives another dimension to Arthur H’s work: “She’s an amazing artist because she has a lot of ideas, as if she was connected, including to the world of sound […] And then she has a ruthless critic and it’s really a great chance“.

It is therefore not a new album by Arthur H, but a new collective work which, visually enriched, with a pinch of theatre, will find a lively and exciting dimension in concert.

Arthur H, his stories that make “Life” | Yann Bertrand’s chronicle


Arthur H. The life (naive/Believe). Album available. On tour, February 18 in Calais, March 23 in Nantes, March 27 in Paris at the Trianon…

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