arrested at the National Assembly, Elisabeth Borne and Eric Dupond-Moretti call on the right and the far right to “a little decency”

Right-wing and far-right MPs have linked the government’s migration policy to the murder of 12-year-old Lola in Paris.

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Tempers flared in the National Assembly on Tuesday, October 18, during questions to the government. Questioned by Marine Le Pen on the murder of Lola, 12-year-old schoolgirl in Paris, Elisabeth Borne called on the deputy of the National Rally to have “a bit of decency”.

The Prime Minister asked Marine Le Pen to “respect the pain of the family” and “the memory of Lola”. “Let the police and justice do their job”she added, while the RN MP pointed to the government’s migration policy.

A little earlier, the Minister of Justice had replied on the same subject to the deputy LR of the Alpes-Maritimes Eric Pauget. “To use the coffin of a twelve-year-old girl as one uses a step, it’s a shame, sir”he had launched. “Do not add to the most absolute atrocity the trade unworthy of demagoguery”. The deputy LR had questioned the minister on an alleged “laxity” of the “immigration policy” of the government.

The suspect in the murder of Lola, a 24-year-old young woman, was remanded in custody and indicted on Monday evening in the context of a judicial investigation for “murder”, “rape”, “act of torture and barbarism” and “concealment of a corpse”. Due to a lack of a residence permit, she was subject to an obligation to leave the territory, “but not immediately”, explained Eric Dupond-Moretti. She was previously known to the police only as “victim of violence” and not as a delinquent or a criminal. This woman admitted the facts before retracting, learned franceinfo from the Paris prosecutor. A 43-year-old man was also indicted for “concealment of a corpse”.

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