A rally was organized on Friday in front of the Blaise Cendrars high school in Sevran to contest the summons of four teachers from the establishment by the management.
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Around a hundred people gathered on Friday March 15 in front of the Blaise Cendrars high school in Sevran (Seine-Saint-Denis) to contest the summons by the management of four teachers from the establishment, reports France Bleu Paris.
These four teachers were summoned by management for having participated in a TikTok video that went viral (more than two million views in one week) in which students denounce the state of their high school and the lack of teachers. Also in this video, the four teachers in question: a French teacher, one of economic and social sciences, one of physics chemistry and one of mathematics.
Their individual interview in the principal’s office lasted around twenty minutes, in the presence of a member of the rectorate of the Créteil academy, and a representative of DSDEN 93, the Department of Departmental Education Services. National of Seine-Saint-Denis. The day before, Thursday, the Créteil academy confirmed to AFP this summons which “is part of a regulatory framework” and added that“no disciplinary procedure was initiated at this time. There is no question here of the exercise of trade union rights, and even less of a desire to undermine it”was in charge of the academy.
“On strike until emergency plan 93 is accepted”
On Friday, no disciplinary sanctions were taken against them, indicates France Bleu Paris, which specifies that a report of these interviews will be sent to the rectorate and will therefore appear in the teachers’ file.
Mobilized in front of the high school in support of his colleagues, Clément Bernard, mathematics teacher and Snes-FSU representative of the high school, ensures that“They are angry, stunned because being summoned for something so benign, they find that it makes no sense.” He adds : “We will remain on strike until emergency plan 93 is accepted by the ministry and until the reform of the shock of knowledge is withdrawn.”
For around twenty days, teachers, students and parents have been carrying out operations throughout the department to demand more resources for schools in Seine-Saint-Denis. The inter-union must be received at the Ministry of Education by Minister Nicole Belloubet, Friday March 15. For his part, the vice-president of the Île-de-France region in charge of high schools, James Chéron, denies any negligence concerning Blaise-Cendrars.