around 2,000 demonstrators still there, new action on Sunday afternoon

Protesters against the installation of agricultural water reserves continue their movement this Sunday in Saint-Soline, in Deux-Sèvres, while the prefecture maintains the ban on all gatherings.

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Nearly 2,000 people are still gathered this Sunday, October 30 morning in Sainte-Soline, in Deux-Sèvres, to oppose the project to build mega-basins, Emmanuelle Dubée, prefect of Deux Sèvres, told franceinfo. .

>> “Anti-basins” demonstration: “It was not a peaceful rally, it was very violent”, deplores the Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau

These people once again defied the ban on demonstrations this Sunday, with a new march to the site. Dressed in overalls, some demonstrators walked towards a pipe and cut it. This is one of the six water inlet branches of the future basin.

I remind you that the demonstration remains prohibited, so any act aimed at gathering or trying again to enter the site of the reserve will again be ruled out.“, warned the prefect this Sunday morning.

To do this, the watch system, with more than 1,500 gendarmes, is maintained on the site of the reserve. The results of the clashes, which broke out yesterday between demonstrators and the police, are 61 injured on the side of the gendarmes, including “a seriously injured jaw, evacuated to the hospital of Niort“, relates the prefect, before adding: “There are also heavy traumas, due to the mortars used, and multiple contusions which required evacuations to the hospital.The organizers counted about thirty wounded in their ranks.

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