Argentinians dream of victory for Messi in Qatar

(Doha) « Ce sera la Coupe du monde de Leo » : plusieurs dizaines de supporters de l’Argentine se sont réunis pour célébrer leur sélection et sa star Lionel Messi lundi à Doha, devant l’horloge marquant 13 jours avant le début du Mondial-2022 au Qatar.

Publié à 16h22

Vêtus de maillots blanc et bleu clair, ils ont entonné des chants et posé pour des photos avec un immense drapeau, avant d’accueillir quatre de leurs compatriotes venus à vélo depuis l’Afrique du Sud.

Pour rallier le pays hôte de la Coupe du monde de foot, qui débute le 20 novembre, Leandro Blanco, Matias Villarroel, Silvio Gatti et Lucas Ledezma ont pédalé 10 500 kilomètres depuis le 15 mai.

« C’est notre rêve qui nous a motivés […] that of Argentina world champion and Leo lifting the trophy on December 18”, at the end of what should be the last World Cup of the striker’s career, explained Blanco. “The emotion we feel is immense […] to be here in Doha and for this party. »

“We have a lot of confidence, a lot of hope, that’s why we did this madness,” added Ledezma.

Among the supporters present was also Ines Caillava, 22, who came to work in Qatar to be able to attend the World Cup, not having the means to afford a trip because of the economic crisis in her country of origin.

“It’s Leo’s last, it pains me a little but I think the national team will give their all and, with a bit of luck, we’ll have the trophy in hand in a month,” he said. -she throws.

Some staff members of the Argentine selection are due to arrive in Qatar overnight from Monday to Tuesday, before a friendly match in Abu Dhabi on November 16.

The Albiceleste, unbeaten in 35 games since 2019, are in Group C of the group stage, along with Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Poland. She will start her competition on November 22 against the Saudi team.

Argentina won the World Cup in 1978 and 1986. Messi’s best result at a World Cup was second place in 2014.

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