Argentina | Trump calls President-elect Milei and says he plans a meeting

(Buenos Aires) Former US President Donald Trump spoke by telephone Wednesday evening with Argentine President-elect Javier Milei, announcing that he would travel to Argentina to meet him, Mr. Milei’s secretariat said Thursday.

Trump, who had already sent a warm video message of congratulations, called him Wednesday evening to congratulate him and tell him “that his victory by a large margin had a great impact on a global level,” according to a statement Thursday on the account X from the secretariat of the elected Argentine president.

“Former President Trump also indicated that he would go to Buenos Aires to meet him,” added Milei’s secretariat, without specifying a date.

The economist Javier Milei, with controversial positions on climate change and against abortion in particular, is sometimes compared to Donald Trump for his claimed “anti-system” postures, his ultraliberal positions, and his aggressive, even insulting style.


Javier Milei

Milei has already expressed his admiration for the former American president (2017-2021) in the past, in particular for his “fight against socialism”, even if in fact he rarely refers to him.

On Sunday, Donald Trump was one of the leaders and ex-leaders to most warmly congratulate Milei on her victory. ” I am very proud of you. You are going to transform your country and make Argentina great again,” Mr. Trump declared on his Truth social network, before sending a video message to Milei.

Javier Milei for his part is expected to go to the United States in the coming days, Argentine media report, a whirlwind trip to New York on a private basis.

Diana Mondino, a 65-year-old economist and deputy, strongly tipped to be the future head of diplomacy, indicated that the president-designate will travel “as quickly as possible” to the United States, but said Thursday that she had no more information at this stage.

Milei himself indicated on Monday that he would travel “in the coming days” to the United States – Miami and New York – then to Israel, trips in a private capacity, before his inauguration scheduled for December 10.

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