are you more of a tissue or paper handkerchief?

At the beginning of the 60s, the paper handkerchief took precedence over the fabric in France with the arrival for example of the very famous brand Kleenex. For Danielle, a 70-year-old resident in Laval, there is no longer any question of blowing her nose in fabric. “It’s still full of germs and we carry this kind of handkerchief everywhere. Single-use ones are much more hygienic in my opinion“she says.

For Michel, another Laval resident (very cold when we met him), the handkerchief retains an undeniable ecological character according to him. “The problem with the tissue is that anyone throws it where they want. A bit like masks, anti-covid“says the man.

Egyptian cotton handkerchiefs

Doctor Michel Coste, whose office is located in downtown Laval, predicts a return of the tissue handkerchief because paper is currently the victim of a global shortage. Prefer Egyptian cotton, explains the doctor.. “Because it is of high quality, because the fibers are long and fine. And it is combed. You can find it in all stores“ends the general practitioner.

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