are these Blues invincible?

Imagining the Blues at the top of world rugby is no longer a candid dream. In this Six Nations Tournament, each French outing maintains the theory of a mature selection. At Murrayfield, the performance of Julien Marchand’s teammates dazzled many on Saturday 26 February. From there to depicting an untouchable team, bordering on excellence, there is only one step.

Let’s rewind the thread of successful “reference matches” this year. The resounding victories against New Zealand (40-25 in November) then Ireland (30-24 in mid-February) had been marred by unfortunate air pockets at the start of the second period. This time, the half-time lemons were digested: the Blues planted, by Jonathan Danty, as soon as they returned from the locker room. “I think it was worked on in trainingdeciphers Vincent Clerc, consultant for France Télévisions. They were very strong in the second half, especially in the defensive sector.”

With 86% of successful tackles in total, the French do not display crazy statistics. But the individual performances of François Cros (16 tackles, one failure), Greg Alldritt (15 successful, three missed) or the incoming Thibaud Flament (nine out of nine in the exercise in 24 minutes) command respect. “We felt the Scots without a solutionconfirms Clerc, present in Edinburgh on Saturday. Their kicking game was rather average, the French defense was very organized and present on the ‘contest’. They couldn’t find the fault.”

Once is not custom, the rare French slag took place in the last moments of the first period. “We have been pierced several times”, raises the former Toulouse winger. Stuart Hogg rode (126 meters covered, match record), but committed a forward on a ready-made try (38th) when the score was 12-10 for the Blues. “It’s the turning point of the gameasserts Vincent Clerc. We are doing well in the first period, and Fickou’s try [40e, 19-10] remobilized everyone”.

In this slump, from the 20th to the 40th, the Blues conceded seven points. It’s not much: the air holes against the All Blacks and the XV of Clover had resulted in 14 and 19 units conceded. Deprived of its third line and with a half-fig half-grape Russel, Scotland did not have the weapons to thwart a tricolor defense in shape anyway. Moreover, the French showed maximum success.

Does this mean that these Blues are invincible and will certainly win the tournament? Far from it. The previous 2020 where the French had, in a similar configuration, lost their means in the fourth match, is in everyone’s memory. “But the France team has grownbelieves Vincent Clerc. She no longer makes the mistakes that cost her the Grand Slam in the past.” Their mental strength to recover from weak times is in this point indisputable.

Gaps, the Habs have committed at Murrayfield. Melvyn Jaminet finished the game with a starving 3/7 against the poles. In the game of rare stammering, Vincent Clerc points “high balloons” Where “a few balls lost on dismissals after scoring”. Romain Ntamack also sent the kickoff directly into touch. We grant you, you have to be extremely strict to find fault with this XV of France. And that’s probably the most gratifying.

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