Are anti-drug operations effective?


Video length: 3 min

Delinquency: are anti-drug operations effective?

The Ministry of the Interior published the delinquency figures on Wednesday January 31 and they are not good. To combat the increase in traffic, Emmanuel Macron announced two weeks ago that there would be ten “clearance” operations every week throughout the country. What does it consist of ? – (France 2)

The Ministry of the Interior published the delinquency figures on Wednesday January 31 and they are not good. To combat the increase in traffic, Emmanuel Macron announced two weeks ago that there would be ten “clearance” operations every week throughout the country. What does it consist of ?

Track the presence of narcotics in every nook and cranny, giving sellers and lookouts no respite. Called operation “clear place”, it is the government’s method to fight against drug trafficking. In several neighborhoods, gendarmes are deployed to search buildings for drugs. The cellars and stairwells are inspected, there is no catch for the police, everything can indicate the presence of illicit trade.

91 operations carried out over five months

The authorities promise ten operations like these per week in France. Shows of force to reassure the residents of the buildings. In five days in the Aube department, a handgun and 8 kg of cannabis were seized. But according to some residents, despite the seizures and arrests, the traffic is still there even if it is less visible. According to the police unions, there is also a lack of law enforcement personnel which would not allow these operations to be carried out successfully. Over the past five months, 91 “clearance” operations have been carried out in France.

Among Our sources:

Ministry of the Interior

Non-exhaustive list

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