anti-Semitic acts increase in France


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1 minute

War between Israel and Hamas: anti-Semitic acts increase in France

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Article written by

France 2 – O.Longueval, A.Bouleis, N.Perez, @RevelateursFTV, France 3 Franche-Comté, M.Marini

France Televisions

The tensions generated by the war between Israel and Hamas are felt around the world. France is not spared and is currently experiencing an unprecedented increase in anti-Semitic acts.

Since the war between Israel and Hamas started on October 7, a shock wave has spread to France. The horror of the conflict between the Islamist movement and the Jewish state divides and fuels hatred. The Jewish community is particularly targeted. In the 14th arrondissement of Paris, around sixty Stars of David have been painted blue on buildings. “It’s shocking, I didn’t think it could happen near my house”deplores a resident of the neighborhood.

857 anti-Semitic acts in 4 weeks

Anti-Semitic acts whose number is exploding throughout France: 857 have been recorded since October 7, in just 4 weeks, this is more than double compared to the whole of 2022. Tags, or insults firmly condemned by the Paris police prefect: “I“I have 6 investigators who only work to find the perpetrators of these anti-Semitic acts, and we will find them”, had affirmed Laurent Nuñez. The police chief encourages people to file complaints whenever possible so that legal proceedings can be initiated.

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