The Paris deputy and president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday April 7, 2024.
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Sylvain Maillard, deputy for Paris and president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday April 7, 2024. Announcements from Gabriel Attal on health, debates on unemployment insurance, taxation of superprofits … He answers questions from Jules De Kiss and Agathe Lambret.
“Rabbit” tax: “ensure that everyone is responsible”
Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced a series of measures to address the healthcare crisis, including the creation of a “rabbit tax” of 5 euros for patients who do not keep their appointments and cancel within 24 hours. in advance. For Sylvain Maillard, this measure, “it’s ensuring that everyone is responsible”.
Nurses, midwives, dentists called upon to do night duty in medical deserts: “The idea is that every French person can have medical advice at any time”, defends Renaissance MP Sylvain Maillard, who calls for ” do not caricature.”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 7, 2024
For the deputy from Paris, it is necessary “free up medical time” to deal with the shortage of doctors, while 30% of French people live in a medical desert.
Unemployment insurance: “we must encourage people to return to work”
Gabriel Attal wished Wednesday on TF1 a new reform “global” unemployment insurance which would reduce the duration of compensation for the unemployed. “We must accelerate professional training, which we are doing, but we must also encourage people to return to work”assures Sylvain Maillard.
Reduce the duration of unemployment insurance compensation: “The choice not to work is not penalized in France”, estimates Renaissance MP Sylvain Maillard, who aims for “an employment rate at least equal to Germany” . We need “more restrictive rules”.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 7, 2024
The leader of the Renaissance deputies affirms that with “an employment rate at least equal to Germany, we would no longer have a problem financing social protection”.
>> TRUE OR FALSE. Unemployment insurance reform: does the reduction in the duration of compensation encourage a return to employment?
Taxation of annuities: “It won’t affect citizens”
Gabriel Attal promised proposals on Tuesday April 2 “by June” to tax the “rents” in the hope of calming the anger of part of his majority, worried about his plan to reform unemployment insurance and a poorly distributed effort to absorb the deficits. “For example, energy companies, when there is a situational income, ensuring that part of this income goes into the state budget, that seems quite logical”illustrates Sylvain Maillard.
Tax annuities: “When there is a situational annuity, ensure that part of it goes into the state budget,” explains MP Sylvain Maillard, who specifies “business” annuities. [] It will not affect fellow citizens.” “We are not considering taxing superprofits.”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 7, 2024
“Anything that comes from companies in which there is no competition and profitability much higher than normal because there is a particular situation, we will look at”, continues the parliamentarian. On the other hand, “it will not affect the citizens” assures Sylvain Maillard.
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Sunday April 7, 2024 :