Anne Hidalgo wants to put school back “at the heart” by raising teachers’ salaries

“School is the basis of everything. It must return to the heart of the village, to the heart of our neighborhoods”, said Anne Hidalgo, the socialist presidential candidate, this Tuesday on franceinfo. According to her, “we must start from there to rebuild this society which is going so badly and allow all the children of the Republic to be able to succeed through school, which is no longer the case today”.

Anne Hidalgo has thus proposed to increase the salary of teachers to “recognize their role”. “These are executives and I want to put them at the level of executive remuneration, at 2,350 euros per month”she specified, and this from their “career entry”which is currently remunerated, according to its figures, “at 1,700 euros”. The socialist candidate also wants to recruit more teachers and “leave them the possibility of going towards innovative, inclusive pedagogies on which they are restrained”.

Anne Hidalgo also denounced “this way of attacking teachers as was done by Emmanuel Macron on the fact that they would not work enough”. “They are the smugglers, the transmitters, the hussars of the Republic”she continued, lamenting the fact that they “do a job without means”.

“I come from Spanish immigration, I am the daughter of a worker. I would never have succeeded without the school of the Republic and I would like all the children of France to be able to have this chance again. The one I have I had when I arrived in France in the 1960s.”

Anne Hidalgo

at franceinfo

According to her, the project for the outgoing president’s school will accentuate inequalities and “fracture” school and society. “With Emmanuel Macron, in five years, there will be no more public schools. When he says that in each school we can recruit, pay, teachers as we want, that means that there will be schools for the rich and schools for the poor”, she denounced. Anne Hidalgo felt it would push “people from the middle classes to bleed themselves even more to pay for private schools for their children”.

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